

White Coat Advocacy Day

When: May 29- Arrive at 7:45am. We will end by 3pm.
Where: NCPA Raleigh office
Who: NCPA Residents & Members
What: This session builds on your advocacy skills by offering a hands-on experience meeting with local representatives at the NC Legislative Building. Walk alongside NCPA colleagues for a tour and the opportunity to directly impact initiatives with your elected officials. This is your chance to turn knowledge into action! 
Registration: Click here


NCPA's Advocacy Efforts

The NC Psychiatric Association is a non-partisan organization that works to represent and advance the practice of medicine and psychiatry in North Carolina through the policy-making and legislative process. But what does that actually mean and how do we advocate for our members and the mental health field?

  • We have a registered lobbyist who works hard to make sure psychiatrists, providers and mental health professionals are at the table during important policy-making discussions and meetings. 
  • We attend legislative meetings and talk to legislators and other policy makers to make sure they have the facts about how legislative decisions will affect patients, providers and others. 
  • We track legislation that affects both the mental health field, including issues related to substance use disorders, and the practice of psychiatry. 
  • We are part of statewide coalitions, committees and work groups that discuss mental health and substance use disorders to monitor issues, trends and policies. 
  • We sponsor and participate in advocacy events at the General Assembly. Our members also participate in White Coat Wednesday events where physicians attend the General Assembly to raise awareness of medical issues and the practice of medicine in North Carolina. 
  • We issue position statements and communicate with legislators, the Governor and other government officials about the benefits and potential consequences of specific legislation and policies. 

We encourage our members and the public to stay informed and involved, and we hope the resources found here will help you do that.


NCPA's Advocacy Events

Each year, NCPA holds Legislative Advocacy Days where members travel to Raleigh to meet with legislators at the NC General Assembly. These advocacy days allow members to experience the legislative process first-hand, meet directly with their district's legislators, and educate government officials about policy issues. 

Many times, NCPA Advocacy Days will coincide with the NC Medical Society's White Coat Wednesdays. Members attend a policy education and training session and learn how to best approach legislators about important health care issues. These days are fast-paced and make an impact.

If you are interested in learning about or participating in an Advocacy Day, contact us!